Monday, September 24, 2007

The 38th anniversary gift...

After photographing this couple and their children and children-in-law (and one grandchild, who has been in front of my lens a lot lately!) for their anniversary, I decided to see what the traditional gift is for a 38th anniversary, and can you believe that once you hit your 20th anniversary, they only list gifts every 5 years? Perhaps that's a testament to the modern marriage and the high divorce rate--and maybe a couple of disillusioned list makers who thought, "Ah forget it! No one makes it past 20 anymore."

So, if I am allowed to start filling in a gap between anniversary years 35 to 40, I now present to you my just-invented 38th anniversary gift: family portraits! I also present to you a couple that still laughs when they remember their early years, and who surrounds themselves with beautiful and devoted children.

My warmest congratulations on your 38th year of marriage! No doubt, you'll be together to get the good stuff when you celebrate your 50th!

1 comment:

Karson and Kami said...

lol that's too funny. I can't believe the gaps! Great idea for the 38th though! Congrats to your clients for a successful marriage. It really is sad about the divorce rates!