Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sometimes I wonder what my clients think...

A baby! Well, not really one yet in her arms, but in her belly. The really neat thing about this session is that I took pictures of her kids back in the spring when she told me she had just found out that she was expecting. I'll be back in a few more weeks to take pictures of the baby when she arrives--it will be really neat to sort of have "been there" since the since the start.

So maternity sessions are always weird for me in that when the first inquiry comes in, there's kind of no easy way to say, "Hey, are you willing to get naked?" I always say it's a total shame that maternity sessions can't be conducted after a bottle of wine, but the truth of the matter is, photographing maternity is all about the body and the belly and the mom-to-be and the dad-to-be's (and soon-to-be big brother and sister's!) connection to their unborn baby, and I truly like to tastefully and discreetly do most maternity sessions with as little on as the client's comfortable baring. It's pretty funny though--I often think about my poor client's end of the session and just have to chuckle at how ridiculous it all must seem. But hey, in the end, the finished product is all that matters, right?

So on my way home, I pull into my neighborhood and run into my neighbor, to whom I owe a family portrait, which we were planning to do when the weather got warmer. Since it was so mild out today, I asked her if she wanted to try to do it today, and she enthusiastically agreed (her husband, not so enthusiastically. ;) So I told them that I'd be back in a few minutes, as soon as I cleared out my car so that I could fit in the trunk a setee that I wanted to put in the middle of the road somewhere, to which they didn't even bat an eyelash--as though hauling around a sofa in the back of one's SUV and plopping it in the middle of the road is an everday occurence. I'm glad they not only were willing to go along with my ideas, but that they were strong enough to help. :)

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