Saturday, January 5, 2008

Miss me?

A shoot today! Yay! Actually, two shoots today (and one tomorrow) so lots of new faces to look at around here. Plus, Santa brought yours truly a new camera plus some new yummy glass, which is awesome, but man, it sure is taking forever and a day for two sessions to upload to my computer! So I'll just bring you the excerpts from the memory cards that have uploaded thus far... (oh, and there's a little bit of news after the pictures. :)

I know I say it everytime, but I love 6 month old babies! Love them! Especially ones with amazing eyes. We caught him right when his eyes are changing from blue to brown, and I got lost in those beauties as I was photographing him. His brother hit a soft spot with me since he's a Thomas fan. I've got a almost-five year old obsessed with Thomas (so yes, I do know almost all of the trains, but discovered today that I really don't know the song that well); and my baby, well, he's not saying "Mama" yet, but he does say "Thomas." (I'm serious. I wish it weren't true, but it is. *sigh*) So let's just say that any boy who loves Thomas is a boy after my own heart since I've got two crazily obsessed Thomas fans of my own. :)

My second session was with my "Beauty in a Bow" from the summer. Can you believe how much she's grown? Even though I've gone through three babyhoods with my own kids, I'm still shocked by how much a little person can change over the span of a few months! Even though she's bigger, she's totally kept her piggy appetite and her drop-dead adorableness. These were taken just at the end of the session, and they were moments where, as a photographer, I just

hold breath.
please stay where you are. please. please let my exposure be perfect. please let everyone be in focus. please.

whew. :)

And this one--total patience. Eventually, she had to grow tired of the pile of dirt she was sitting in and look up at me, right?


Just a few news items tacked on at the end here, if you're still reading!

I'm getting ready to launch a new website and online ordering system, which I am really looking forward to. I got a chance to work on it during my holiday vacation and am ironing out a few bugs, etc. but I should be ready to go with it by the end of the month, if not sooner. Therefore, I just recently contacted all of my clients with outstanding orders to let you know that I'd like to get your order processed before the change takes place. If you're one of them, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

As a result of working on the new sites plus my new brochures for '08, and taking some very much needed time off during the holidays, I'm just now getting around to December proofing. I should have your galleries to you in the next week or two. As always, I apologize for the delay, but I really did just need to take a step away from the computer and Photoshop for two weeks--and maybe see if I could coax Isaac into saying "Mama." :)

Happy New Year everyone! I hope '08 is great!


Jenny B said...

O.K. I think I may become a stalker. Your pictures are just amazing. I can't wait to see future posts! I would love for you to answer a few photography questions for me if you ever feel up to it. I am a newbie trying to get my hands on any bit of info I can. Your talent is captivating. Thanks for sharing! Jenny

Jennifer said...

THese are fabulous, all of them! That little girl I just love the expression and I just love that hat! Purple is a good color for her!