Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vote for your favorite holiday session portrait

Now that all the card orders are all in, it's time to celebrate! Vote for your favorite holidy session image below. No, this isn't a cute kid contest (they're all cute, aren't they?), or even the "holiday-est" picture--just vote for whatever moves you, strikes a chord within, (or whatever number your friend told you to vote for! ;). I'll offer the winner a cool present--trust me, she'll love it. My husband even loves it. Even my father-in-law. And my daughter. And my cat. And, well, I haven't told many people (or pets) beyond that... :) Voting ends December 23rd.

A huge thanks again to all of the parents and kiddos I worked with during these sessions--I had a great time, and I've loved seeing your cards! The rest of the orders will be in this week, just in time for you to get them out!

Happy voting!


Bridgette said...

I voted for #5, I love the horse!

T Grb said...

AH, I voted for #5 too - he's my nephew! ;-)

Great work Jen, as always.

Jennifer said...

I voted for Maggie. She is adorable and so smart. I have to say it's difficult to choose between a niece and nephew because they are both so special!