Tuesday, May 29, 2007

If you don't want another baby, don't look...

Because even though my youngest is only 7 months (and keeping me quite busy, thanks), meeting 8-day old Isabel made my uterus ache. Isn't she amazing? I was absolutely honored to photograph her today, and she is such a lucky baby with one of the most amazing mothers ever. So patient, kind and filled with joy and love for her daughters. Thank goodness she had the patience of a saint with me today after getting peed and pooped on several times by little Miss Isabel--I hope it was worth it. :)

(A, let me know if you'd like any of your sneak peeks for your announcements. Congratulations! You are so blessed.)


Jen said...

Oh MY! I don't comment on blogs often, but these are incredible...I just had to say how much I love #6 and #2. I am SOO done with babies but my uterus is definitely aching right now!!

Corey~living and loving said...

oh my! that second one made my little heart skip a beat! Adorable!